Welcome to my blog...

Ok, well this is the first blog I have ever done. I have recently moved from Colorado to Kentucky. After being here about a month, I have decided that it is best to put this adventure of mine out into cyberspace for all to read about. I originally was going to blog about my new adventures and offer some tips along the way. However, after leaving the corporate world and becoming a stay-at-home mom- I find that my focus is now more on how to stay true to myself. It is hard to become a housewife and not lose ones' self in the process. I hope all that visit my site and relate on some level and maybe, just maybe, we can help one another thru this.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My Morning Cup of Coffee...

Sorry for not posting in awhile... Spring Break is over and life is back to our normal routine. I took a much needed timeout from life last week to just spend it with my daughter. She taught me the beauty in doing nothing. It seems like on most days, my mind is constantly overflowing with a list of things to accomplish during the day. I find it hard to sit on the couch and just relax, somehow feeling almost ashamed that I am not getting more done. Something magical happens when you spend a quiet week at home with a 6 year old. She takes pleasure in just coloring a picture, playing with dolls or watching a cartoon. I am amazed at how she can sit down and tune out the rest of the world. She truly knows the meaning of "living in the moment".
My devotional book this morning, amazingly enough, talked about this as well. It talked about how we all live in a rat race and make lists. Somehow we feel that making a list and marking things off gives us a sense of accomplishment. I like how my book summed things up in one single Bible verse-the author writes: " My favorite verse is Matthew 6:33.'But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.' To me this says, Put me first, Take time for Me and I'll take care of you. I've got you, got your kids, your schedule, what's for dinner, the whole deal. Just take time for Me. Seek me first."  Wow, this hit home for me! Like the author, I always seem to find time to have my morning cup of coffee. I get up out of bed, half asleep, and still manage to put my caffeine filled pod into my Keurig. I listen while it brews and then sigh with sweet relief when my cup is complete. This is how I start my day... every day! What if I started it differently? Why is it that I can find time to make and enjoy my morning cup of coffee, but not take the time to spend the morning with God. My goal this week is to incorporate God into my morning routine.
I am a person who loves a good list. I love the sense of checking off what I have done, and I love knowing what I have left to do. This book also reminds us, " that we are human beings not human doings"!  My list making has me focusing too much on what I need to DO and doesn't allow me time to just BE in the world.

This week, I am going to Be!!


P.S.- Update on my garden... it is going great! I already have a full pot of herbs and lots of tomatoes and onions coming up!!  Also, my tip of the week.... put dryer sheets inside your floor vents. They trap items that can get into your vents, and the scented sheets make your house smell nice as well... and they are the perfect size!  Enjoy your week!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Words of wisdom found in a book...

I found myself at the local book store yesterday trying to kill some time before I had to pick Rylee up from school. I wandered around the store with my perfect cup of White Chocolate Mocha in hand. I had absolutely no intention of buying anything until I saw a book right in front of me. " The Coffee Mom's Devotional". Was it the word "Coffee" that drew me in, perhaps. Nonetheless, I picked it up and started reading a couple pages. WOW! Have you ever been to church and thought that the message that day was directed right towards you? Well this was one of those moments. I then had to have that book.

This morning, while drinking my cup of coffee brewed by my Keurig, I started chapter 1. I was enlightened! Of course every mom has felt overwhelmed and out of control. However, I always felt that I shouldn't feel that way because I only have one child. I mean how hard can taking care of one kid be? It isn't like I have 4 or 5 or more. But this book allowed me to relate on a more spiritual level. It reminded me today that before I was born, God KNEW that I would be a mother. As the book says: " This is a huge thought. On days when I feel run down, I can hardly imagine God creating me for this job description".

I can't wait to dive deeper into this book. I walked away from my devotion this morning feeling empowered and happy. Simply put, the book states "I matter, because I matter to God." What a great accompianment to my morning coffee!!

Until later~

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Thoughts to ponder...

Today is filled with rain and gloom outside. It is cold, wet and non-inviting. As I sit at my computer, thoughts go thru my mind. I find myself trying to decide what to make for dinner. Should I start a load of laundry? Do the bathrooms need cleaned again?  Not long ago, my morning consisted of excessive amounts of work to do at my job. I would have already stopped for my morning Starbuck's and had my morning meeting. I would have already answered about 50 emails and talked to numerous customers on the phone. But now I find myself in a quiet house pondering the thoughts of should I make spaghetti or meatloaf for dinner. What a strange world I now exist in.

Then it hits me. Almost daily I find myself missing my fast paced life, but at the same time loving my new existance as a housewife and stay-at-home mom. It is nice to be sitting here doing what I want everyday and not following the agenda of my employer. But at the same time, I hope I am not losing a part of myself in the process. Although I am excited to pick up my daughter from school everyday and spend precious time with her in the afternoon, I wonder if I was created for a higher purpose. I feel that I have gifts and talents that go beyond the scope of laundry, cooking, and cleaning. But what is it? What is my calling?

I will continue to ponder this today and possibly everyday until my calling comes calling! I wonder, has anyone else ever felt the same way? What if we created a community of women who helped one another fullfill our purpose?

Please share your stories... as I will continue to share mine.


Monday, March 21, 2011


One thing I have noticed is how much vegetables cost these days. In order to keep my grocery budget in check... we have decided to start a small garden in our backyard. This can easily be done by doing "container gardening" for some of the items. We are going to grow the vegetables that are more budget busting--i.e. peppers, tomatoes, herbs. During my grocery shopping last week, one green pepper was $1.99! Crazy, huh? We are in the planning stages and hope to have it in place next weekend.

Also, tip I learned from my mom---cut your dryer sheets in half. You don't need a full sheet in your dryer--so cutting them in half is simple, easy and makes them last longer-which in turn saves you money!

Happy Monday--make it a great one!

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Today is the first day of my Grocery Challenge to feed a family of 3 on a $50 budget! I started prepping for my shopping trip on Monday. My first task was to review the local Kroger flyer and find out what items were on sale. When I noticed that chicken was the meat on sale this week- I planned my menus around it. I then wrote down all the ingredients needed to make my meals for the week and crossed of anything that I already had in my fridge, pantry or freezer.

Once my shopping list was made, I then started on the hunt to find coupons. This week I only had my Sunday paper and my online Kroger coupons *(tip: go online and download coupons right to your King Soopers/Kroger card). I did go online and spend $4 on coupons thru thecouponclippers.com. These should arrive tomorrow and I will be able to use them next week. I got tons of coupons for only $4 and they are only for items I will use!!

Next, I went to the store with a calculator in hand. I added up the price of everything as I placed it in my basket--so I knew where I was and if I was going to be over/under budget. I was able to get EVERYTHING on my list and my grand total was only $50.12! I saved $19.24 using coupons!

My meal breakdown for the week, is:

Thursday night dinner (tonight): 4-step Chicken Marengo (courtesy of food network). This makes plenty of left overs, so this will cover my Friday night dinner as well.

Friday night dinner- Leftovers

Saturday lunch- Chicken torilla soup
Satuday dinner- Grilled BBQ Chicken Salad

Sunday lunch- Grilled cheese sandwiches and cottage cheese
Sunday dinner- Grilled Chicken K-bobs served over rice

Monday dinner- Pork medallions served with sauteed onions; garlic & basil orzo pasta; and sauteed veggies

Tuesday dinner-Mandarin chicken salad

Wednesday dinner- Pulled pork (done in the crockpot, marinating with onions/applejuice and beer) and balsamic tomatoes/cucumber salad.

For lunches during the week, it is nothing fancy. Ham sandwiches or PB & J and for me I eat crackers and laughing cow cheese.

I am happy that week 1 seems to have worked so far and I will be on the hunt for more money-saving, time-saving tips!

Until later,

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My challenge for tomorrow...

After re-doing the family budget and with us now being on one income-- I am going to do my grocery shopping for the next week for $50! That is 7 days, 3 meals a day for our family of 3 for only $50! I am off to the store tomorrow.. so I will let you know how it goes.

until later...

First blog...

Today is the first day of my blogging adventure. Not much happened today. I am finding it hard to transition into being a stay-at-home mom. It is incredibly quiet and lonely during the day, at home all alone. I actually find myself excited for 3pm to arrive so I can go pick Rylee up for school!! Anyone else experience that same feeling? 

I spent the entire morning re-doing my family budget. I came across a site that mentioned that you should have a 50/30/20 budget. Meaning that 50% of your take home pay should go to "WANTS"; 30% to "NEEDS" and 20% to "SAVINGS". I found this to be incredibly affective! One may want to give it a try! 

Until tomorrow.. Janet